
Client:  Red Leopard, London    2009-2015          www.redleopard.co.uk

Red Leopard is a London colour and style consultancy for men and women.

Freelance Designer:  re-branding web content, re-brand corporate web image, creating a more effective interaction with potential new clients

What I did for Red Leopard:

  • Re-branding web ‘look and feel’ and content:  1. editing existing HTML 2. interviewing clients needs 3. reviewing all existing marketing materials, postcards, and company docs.
  • Re-Branding Content: 1.reviewed businesses with similar business models: 2. advised on image 3. showed comparison with new york firms 4. tailored new image with client’s vision
  • Web IA:  1.provided documentation for clients approval 2. provided docs outlining content direction
  • Introduced Java script (animated graphics) 1. art direction 2. content highlights from current business plan 3. built/produced web artwork
  • Photo production (art direction) 1. suggested before and after photo shots 2. directed photo options for top pages 3. built web produced images/jpegs
  • Online quick form 1. implemented a quick online enquiries form 2. solicited php developer 3. liaison between client and php developer
  • Web management (2009-2014) HTML (Dreamweaver)
  • Budget: low to medium 1. tailored edits/re-branding within client’s budget


Seeing Ideas Design rebranded the image of Red Leopard’s site highlighting core elements of their services provided. Interviewed owners, Kaye and Manina, to understand how they currently interact with their clients and how would best suite interaction with future new clients. Important was how and how often the owners had time to give to web updating? What was their budget? How core was a web presence to their business?

Main Functions:

  • The volume of phone inquires was becoming an over load and strain for both owners, who needed to concentrate on other aspects of their business. Red Leopard offers a personal one to one interaction and clientele preferring exclusive interaction.


  • By promoting, outlining, and reinforcing Red Leopard’s services clearly and providing a simple online enquiries option the distracting phone calls minimized. Giving Kaye and Manina much needed time.with respect to specific clientele the focus was re-directed to client care and away from phone answer service.
  • The site concentrates on presenting outlining the services to minimize phone enquires
  • Provides Red Leopard with a data base of client contact details via online email form, and brands their image in a fixed brochure site.


Red Leopard, London: Seeing Ideas Design redesigned our website… We would recommend them to anyone.